Spotify The Never Ending Story Ad

“Atreyu!!!!!!” I had a chance to sculpt the auryn medallion that Atreyu wears in the Spotify “Never Ending” spot. Unfortunately, you can’t see it in the ad, but in the behind the scenes featurette, you can see it, as well as Legacy Effects in action with the Falcor gimbal rig! Legacy 3d printed and painted the medallion to appear as the original in the 1984 film.

Spotify The Never Ending Story Auryn Medallion
Spotify The Never Ending Story Auryn Medallion
Spotify The Never Ending Story Auryn Medallion
Spotify The Never Ending Story Auryn Medallion
Spotify The Never Ending Story Auryn Medallion
Spotify The Never Ending Story Auryn Medallion

Here’s the ad:

This is the the behind the scenes featurette:

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